Chapter 82: Just Take a Peek (2nd update, please subscribe)

"Why not have my uncle... ahem, the intelligence bureau take on this task?"

Upon hearing the details of the mission to be executed, Shen Congfei was somewhat perplexed.

Zheng Youguo explained, "I need enough people to stay behind and help me maintain stability."

Upon hearing this, he nodded.

Indeed, going to war might not be a problem for him, but managing a pile of administration work could possibly be a nightmare.

"I understand, we'll take on this mission then."

"In that case, I wish your Spark Team a smooth return."


After bidding farewell to Zheng Youguo, Shen Congfei exited the office.

A group of people who awaited outside seemed eager to hear some news.

He, however, did not disclose anything about their curiosity.

Nobody dared to ask.

Because if the big guy chose not to let them know, it meant that it was definitely confidential.

Even if they were curious, not knowing would be better than knowing.

Xia Wei shared the same thoughts.