Chapter 125 Where to go? (1 update, please subscribe)

"The Green Life" laboratory, five levels underground, in front of a giant mutant fungi near the load-bearing pillar.

The players caught sight of the silver figure near the streamlined backpack on its back, suddenly extending a rod.

Something of the same color was propped up on the black rod. The device automatically adjusted its direction, pointing at everyone.

It looked like a third arm had grown out of his back.

"Get down! Quick!"

Upon the warning from a beta player, everyone else was not slow to respond and promptly got down.


After a round of sweeping fire, plenty of parasite-controlled bodies fell around them.

Then, the players understood what the third arm-like thing was.

A gun!

On the other side, Shen Congfei waved his hands after temporarily deterring the players using the fire control system on the external armor.

Two metal blades sprang from his arms.