Chapter 159: Pain of the Past (1st update, please subscribe)


Upon witnessing Shen Congfei jumping through the window, followed closely by a monster that destroyed even the window frame, everyone reacted, raising their guns and firing.

Xia Wei, especially, did not hesitate to aim his gun directly at the creature's head.

The monster slowed its chase, weaving to avoid running directly into the bullets.

There was no denying that the armor-piercing incendiary round from earlier had left a sharp impression on it.

Seizing this opportunity, Shen Congfei managed to reach the group of people.

"Quick! Quick!"


Seeing his adopted son running towards him, the armored figure seemed perplexed.

"Auntie, the body armor."

"Oh, okay."

Snapping to action, she removed the armor she was wearing, revealing a long dress incongruous with the battlefield.

Shen Congfei took the armor components without a care for the mutant's blood on them, quickly putting them on.