Chapter 160: Injection, Mutation, Decision (2nd Update, Asking for Subscription)

"Captain Mark Carls, is there anything else you want to say?"

Upon hearing Shen Congfei's words, the half-bodied figure on the ground stared blankly at the blue sky.

These words stirred its memories.

Within its recollection, those should have been the words of a judge during a trial.

When I was still human, I fought fiercely in the courtroom.

But this judge disregarded all the evidence and doubt I presented on the plaintiff's stand, merely announcing the cold verdict at the end of the trial.


These two words weighed heavily on my heart as I watched the suspect saunter by, a smug grin on his face.

The despair I felt in the face of darkness transformed into a raging fury.

Luckily, as a lieutenant in the Special Forces of the Alliance, I had an edge in experience.

Only one day later, I made the headlines.

The family member of a traffic accident victim had shot and killed the acquitted suspect.

I didn't run, but remained at the scene to be arrested.