Chapter 191: Terran refugees, Surprised but not endangered (The same, updates continue tonight)

"You can really read the text on it?"

It seemed that the "Little Sparrow," who was rubbing him the wrong way, understood that kind of writing.

Xue Yangping, who was washing his armor by the lake, cast doubt on this.

Because it was too coincidental.

They had just arrived in a strange and unknown place, and they happened to stumble upon a civilization that the Little Sparrow recognized.

Of course, his thoughts were simple. He was afraid that she would pretend to understand, which would eventually harm everyone.

Upon being questioned, Li Zhen turned to this alleged enemy and quickly looked away:

"Humph! Believe it or not, I specialized in foreign languages at Imperial University. My knowledge of the Tera Civilization's language is just elementary; my understanding of it is not comprehensive."

After hearing this, the others somewhat believed her.

No wonder the imperial girl was so fluent in the frontline language.

Turns out she was a student specializing in foreign languages.