Chapter 190 The Lost Terran Civilization (2nd update, asking for subscription)

Looking at this expansive sky, some even couldn't help but burst into tears.

Especially the players.

Needless to say, the immersion of this game was way too strong.

They almost forgot during the gameplay, that they were in a virtual game.

The oppression of despair and death made them think that they would really die in this pitch-dark environment.

If players were reacting this way, even more so for the formal members of the Spark Squad.

They had experienced life and death many times, but this was their first time truly in despair.

After this event, their outlook had undergone significant changes.

And the newly joined "Sparrow" Li Zhen, as a student, had never experienced anything this thrilling before.

She hadn't even snapped back to reality yet.

A surge of regret engulfed her.

The idea of withdrawing, far from diminishing even after escaping the cave, on the contrary, kept growing.

"What's up? Planning to quit now? So why did you join us in the first place?"