Chapter 189: Startling Soul Cave, Another World within (Busy during the day, updating at night)

Refuge. In front of the underground cave.

"Well done, you guys are shadier than me, creating such little gadgets and still needing us to help carry them."

The speaker was a young man with red hair.

He was the crazy rich kid player, Li Fengnian, who had come back with the alliance.

By his side, the formerly OL dressed woman, once a motorcyclist, was directing her subordinates to move things orderly.

Not long after, a series of uniquely designed tracked motorcycles were placed in front of the underground cave.

This was exactly what Shen Congfei thought of, a vehicle specifically designed for exploring underground caves.

An all-terrain tracked motorcycle.

According to the information he got from Luo Jin, this kind of vehicle was perfectly suited for the underground cave environment and terrain.

"By the way, what's in the cave?"

While his subordinates were busy, Li Fengnian scratched his red hair and asked Shen Congfei.