Chapter 208 The Mastermind Appears (2nd Update, Please Subscribe)

Inside the Haven, the troops assigned to garrison duty were all wide-eyed as they stared at the underground cave before them.

Having previously been informed of the threat that faced them inside the cave, each person was on high alert, and a sense of unease loomed at the unknown danger.

They had been warned that the creatures inside were corrosive, and approaching them could lead to serious consequences.

"Did you hear that? Seems like there's something moving inside."

Suddenly, a voice cut through the silent space leading others to cast their eyes on the speaker.

Immediately after, their focus switched to the cave entrance.

"You, go check it out."

A squad leader ordered the soldier who had spoken up.

Upon hearing the order, the others looked at their comrade, their faces filled with mockery.

The soldier who had spoken regretted it deeply.

He had genuinely heard a noise from inside the cave; he wasn't joking.