Chapter 209: Start Planning From This Moment (Still busy, updating multiple times tonight)

Outside the base, on Development Zone Road.

"Boss Spark, there really aren't any other tasks left, huh?"

At the end of the conversation, [Fanatic Foodie]still seemed unconvinced.

Shen Congfei shook his head and turned to leave, but the furrowed brow revealed that he was contemplating something else.

He thought about the news he had just heard from Dr. Xia and Nan Chengwu, as well as the players.

All the clues pointed only to one person.

Chen Feifan.

The operator of "Rebirth," the boss of TA Game Company.

Now, it seems that the key to his own escape lies in that time machine.

And, his biggest obstacle in achieving this would likely be Chen Feifan.

Because the island where the time machine was located was also occupied by him.

Reportedly, he had already constructed a heavily fortified stronghold on the island.

Not to mention, if he really is the operator of the game, that would be tantamount to fighting with the game's authorities.

Thinking about this gave him a headache.