Chapter 222: Taking the Initiative (2nd update, please subscribe)

Putting down weapons at this point, wasn't it equivalent to seeking death?

Although it was hard for some to accept, the long-established trust between the other two official members of Starfire Squad led them to surrender their arms.

Seeing this, the rest hesitated but eventually pointed their guns towards the ground.

Once again, the humanoid decorations seeing the group of unarmed people sprung into action, their heads crowned with red halos, closing in on everyone persistently.

The crowd that had already laid down their weapons watched nervously.


Just then, the red halo atop one of the humanoid decorations shattered, freezing in place.

They all looked around for the gunshot but instead noticed Xia Wei had disappeared from sight.

Suddenly, another gunshot echoed.

The red halo on top of another humanoid exploded in response, falling still like its soul had been stripped away.

"What's going on?"

"Not sure, but it seems to be connected to the Valkyrie."