Chapter 223: The Curtain Rises (1st update, please subscribe)

Inside the Terra Library, the surviving individuals glanced at each other.


Xue Yangping, consumed by grief, crouched before a pile of ashes. His clenched metallic fist, covered in armor, pounded heavily on the floor.

Even Chen Yuanjia and Li Zhen seemed dejected, consumed by the loss of their team members.

So much so that they had overlooked the strange sight of the team members who knew they were going to die but still charged forward excitedly to shield them.

This battle had resulted in heavy casualties amongst the reserve trainees. Their numbers were now so few that they could hardly be considered a team.

Those who were lucky enough to survive were only a few familiar faces.

Such as the veteran players, "Hacker Only" and "Rich Lady Xiaobing".

And the newly joined Tomb Guardian "Thousand Silk Glances" and special soldier "White Night Space Rain".

As players, they knew it was just a game, so they didn't feel much about the deaths of their companions.