Chapter 224: Changing the War Weapon (2nd update, please subscribe)

With the opening of the underground world, more and more players are flocking in.

But the Neutral United Front is still the furthest along in terms of exploration.

No one ever thought that this once-neutral small country, the third force after the apocalypse, could have come this far.

If you mention the rise of the front, a lot of people will mention a name:

"Starfire Squadron."

"Look, that's the Starfire Squadron's backup team."

"Damn, I'm so envious, I put so much money into this, but I still can't get in."

"I'm no different, my battle power is so high, but they still won't take me even if they die."

In the underground world, a newbie who has just arrived at the front camp asks:

"So what exactly are the requirements to join the Starfire Squadron?"

"No idea."

The answer is pretty consistent.

Of course, even the players who have already joined the group chat are not very clear.

But no one associates the recruitment criteria with the group chat, they just feel very lucky.