Chapter 225: Starfire Legion (First update, please subscribe)

Near the Tyra plant laboratory, on the battlefield between the Alliance and the Front.

The war situation has remained in a standoff.

Although it is said that neither side has progressed further, the players of the Alliance are quite stifled.

The reason they can maintain strategic confrontation is not because the two sides are nearly equal in power.

It is simply because they have more people on their side.

When facing the casualty rate on the frontline, they often achieve a ratio of five to one.

However, the five casualties are from their side, and the casualties on the other side, exaggeratedly speaking, are less than a tenth.

Players of the Alliance have noticed that their enemies are definitely all elite players of the Front.

But their side also has elites.

Super war chariots, miracle tanks, precise artillery, bombers, special force squads.

Almost all high-end forces have been dispatched.