Chapter 226: Trilateral Talks (2nd update, Please Subscribe)

Upon returning to the underground world, Shen Congfei immediately shared the good news with everyone at the Terra Library.


"Is it real?"


"So that means we are now…"

He looked at the variety of expressions on the faces of the five official members of the Starfire squad.

Shen Congfei nodded: "Yes, just as you guys imagined."

"Starting now, you are all Colonels."

Among the four, the most excited one was undoubtedly Xue Yangping.

"Don't get too excited. The appointment orders have yet to come. I'm just giving you a heads up. Don't complain to me if there are some minor changes."

Shen Congfei predicted that each of the four's military ranks would be at officer level.

As for the specifics - Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, or Major - that was unclear.

According to Luo Jin, it was unlikely to be lower than that level.

As for the other second batch official members, they were likely to be junior officers.