Chapter 250: The Storm Subsides, The Background Appears (2nd update, asking for subscription)

On the ocean surface, water tornadoes gathered, gradually forming bigger cyclonic storms.

Thunder roared and lightning flashed, while gale winds howled.

On the frontline shores, a downpour suddenly started.

But no one was unhappy.

Because the rhythm of the tsunami was completely disrupted by the cyclonic storm. Turbulent currents collided wildly in the sea, and though there were big waves on the coast, they weren't harmful.

Furthermore, it was not only on the front lines.

With the solar particles - comparable to a bug-level infinite energy source - the number of storms formed had expanded to a global scale.

In the Alliance, the Empire, Third Continent ... there were notable places, any you could think of, which were inevitably swept by storms.

Some storms carried water tornadoes, some directly surrounded inhabited areas, turning the center of the storm into the safest place.

For a moment, scenes of global storms both online and offline instantly went viral.