Chapter 251: The storm is coming (first update, please subscribe)

Space, Terra Transit Station.

"How did it go?"

Shen Congfei had just returned to the decompression cabin for pressurization. As he stepped out, he was immediately questioned by the rest of the people at the transit station.

"Um, it was a success."

Hearing these words, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

But Xia Wei noticed that his expression wasn't as happy as she had imagined.

"Is there something wrong?"

When she asked, Shen Congfei relayed the message he received from Lijie.

"Outsiders? What's wrong with those outsiders? Oh, sorry about that, I'm not talking about you guys."

After Xue Yangping finished speaking, he turned to apologize to several members of the Starfire Corps behind him.

The players shrugged and indicated that it was okay, while wondering what exactly was going on.

"So, who exactly are these people? Did they say anything else?"

"Yeah, is there any other information?"