Chapter 258: Version 1.9, The Players are Unstoppable (Second update, please subscribe)

The tranquility of Newbie Island, once filled with beautiful daily life, was shattered by the arrival of a group of oddly-dressed people.

Recognized by the official players as members of the radical faction of Atlantis, they quickly ran to the company building to inform the person in charge of the "Rebirth" project.

Understandably, Chen Feifan was also alerted by this news.

With a frown, he descended the stairs with the project leader to face the rushing King's servant of Atlantis and the scattered remnants of the radical faction.

"What happened?"

Considering the project leader belongs to a branch of the scholar profession - the humanist - they had studied Atlantis and understood what the other party was saying.

However, after hearing the words of the servant of the King of Atlantis, their face changed dramatically.

Noticing the unusual expression, Chen Feifan rushed to ask:

"What happened?"