Chapter 257: Good Things Come in Pairs in Atlanta (1st Update, Seeking Subscriptions)

Under the guidance of Lijie, two groups of people arrived at the gate of the deep-sea palace.

Shen Congfei had thought that some would be asked to stay behind, but to his surprise, everyone was taken right in without any objections.

Since it was so, he didn't say anything and just glanced back at his Starfire Corps and the rest of the united fleet, as well as members of the conservative faction of Atlantis who were nearby.

Upon entering the palace, Shen Congfei soon realized that it was far more advanced than he had imagined.

Unlike the luxurious and grand noble castles, it was more apt to call it a hi-tech city rather than a palace.

Inside, Atlantians on hovercrafts floated about, and there were many robot-like things in operation.

Even more bizarrely, there were fish-men who walked upright and creatures with octopus faces.

He had assumed that all Atlantians looked like normal humans, but it turned out he was mistaken.