Chapter 270 Launch of Rebirth 2.0! (2nd update, please subscribe)

Polar Online, in the conference room.

Wang Bing returned, looking helpless in front of the two men in the room:

"Alright, they've started making changes according to your instructions."

Shen Congfei noticed her odd expression and immediately asked, "Boss Wang, do you have any doubts?"

"I'm wondering if the bio-brain won't strike back when things really get to that point."

"What if it feels threatened and decides to intervene in other ways like...shutting down all our mechanical bodies, wouldn't we be screwed then?"

Her anxiousness caused Dr. Xia to chuckle: "Boss Wang, you're overthinking this."

"The core program of the bio-brain is designed for the resurgence of human civilization, and that is top priority over everything else."

"So even if the bio-brain wants to intervene too much, it risks violating its core programming and thus being forcibly restarted, clearing the previous data error, and this error identification will also be corrected."