Chapter 271: I'm Back (First update, please subscribe)

"Doctor, is it not ready yet?"

Xia Wei looked at the man greatly resembling her father, who didn't recognize her at all, her expression a complex mix of indescribable emotions.

"Give me a bit longer, I need to figure out where the problem lies."

Hesitating in response to her question, the man in the white lab coat added:

"Oh right, you should move a bit farther away. I fear the machine might overload and explode, hurting you."

Upon hearing this, the faces of Xia Wei and the other members of Starfire Legion turned pale, and they retreated at once.

Lucky for them, they were in an open field not too far from the new central city on the frontline.

Knowing the risk of explosion, they had moved the machine here.

Soon after the others had backed away, Doctor Xia completed the adjustments to the "Time Machine" and joined them at a safe distance.

He held a device that seemed to control the machine.

"Doctor, can we start now?"