Chapter 291: Maiden Voyage (1st update, please subscribe)

Just as the atmosphere was perfect between the two amidst the stars, a voice suddenly came from the chamber door beside them:

"Ahem, I really don't want to interrupt you guys, but it seems a little untimely now."

Shen Congfei turned his head and was surprised to see several people in the room.

"What are you guys doing here?"

The chief designer, along with the rest of the research and development team, bore awkward expressions on their faces.

"We didn't mean to eavesdrop. It was an accident... We were conducting cabin-by-cabin checks to prevent any issues."

Hearing the designer's response, he was speechless. Xia Wei, standing next to him, hadn't expected such an audience either and said with an embarrassed expression:

"I'll go ahead."

Watching her leave, Shen Congfei turned a hostile gaze on those in the cabin.

The designer, noticing his glare, quickly changed the topic:

"Ahem, although we're sorry to interrupt you, we need to get back to unfinished work, captain."