Chapter 292: Leaping out of Crisis (2nd update, please subscribe)

Within a fraction of a second, the starship which was originally obscured within the frontline boundary appeared in the vast universe, surging forward.

At its core, the warp drive enables faster-than-light travel.

During the starship's supersonic speed, the warp drive generates a "warp bubble" around the ship, propelling it at faster-than-light speed while ensuring the safety of the hull to a certain extent.

However, those on board cannot see ahead as a result.

Thus, after the jump, there's a need to decelerate, allowing the ship itself to slow down to avoid running into anything unexpected.

Such a massive job can only be handled by "Shen Xiaoja", who had the chance to upgrade again after absorbing the Ai from the Tyran civilization.

Shen Congfei could only feel thankful that he did not cut off "Shen Xiaoja's" upgrade path.

As he pondered this, a piercing warning suddenly sounded in the starship's cockpit:

"Warning! Warning!"

"Asteroid belt detected ahead!"
