Chapter 302: Single Soldier VS Entire Ship (2nd update, please subscribe)

Inside the Devil Fish battleship, a pirate controlling the weaponry sneered:

"Heh heh, this tiny fighter, thinking it can escape my pursuit."

In front of the battleship, a red star fighter was desperately evading the firepower they released.

"Hey, are you capable or not? It's been half a day and you still haven't shot down a single fighter."

"What did you say!"

"Enough! Quickly shoot down that fighter for me, the rest of you be ready to extract the Red Mineral marrow from the asteroid at the fastest speed."

Once the big boss of the Star Pirates spoke, the underlings dared not quarrel anymore and hastily busied themselves with their tasks.


Suddenly, an intense vibration erupted inside the Devil Fish battleship.

The Star Pirates, caught off guard, were thrown off balance and the big boss himself almost fell. Fortunately, he managed to steady himself at the control table.

Once he regained his balance, the big boss roared in anger, "What's going on!"