Chapter 303 Universal Cosmic Poses (First update, please subscribe)

Inside the Devil Fish battleship, in a corridor near the engine room.

The metal walls are smeared with some kind of green liquid, and residual tentacles twitching every now and then on the corridor floor.

Witnessing the devastating power generated by the small device thrown by the intruder, the Star Pirates showed signs of fear, only retaliating with ranged weapons around the corner where the enemy hid.


The head of the Star Pirates, with most of his tentacles blown off, screamed aloud.

As the saying goes, every finger is connected to the heart. Even more so, these are tentacles grown from an alien's body.

In his blinding pain, the leader picked up an energy pulse gun without care for his life and dashed towards the enemy's hiding spot.

Seeing their boss rushing ahead, the other pirates had no choice but to follow.

But when they reached the corridor's bend and fired along the side passage, there was no one there.

"Don't let him escape! Find him!"