Chapter 356: The Temptation of Immortality (Second update, please subscribe)

"I can't be sure about that,"

Dr. Chen Shu shook his head in the holographic projection.

Getting this reply, Shen Cong Fei looked a bit disappointed.

But he quickly got himself together and asked:

"Have you been inside and investigated? What's the situation like there?"

"Hmm... how should I put it, it doesn't look very promising inside."

It took Doctor Chen Shu a moment before he continued:

"I went in to observe, unfortunately, most of the experimental equipment and samples there have been destroyed."

"I can confirm that it has been established for a long time."

"But, based on some residual traces, I can confirm."

"This lab was performing a biological experiment."

"And the content of the experiment was related to genes."

"Moreover, I found the same traces in the genes of the new human species on Cemetery Star."

Hearing this, Shen Cong Fei immediately responded:

"Wait! Are you saying…"