Chapter 357 New Power (First update, please subscribe)

Some time after the meeting ended, most of the countries that had migrated to Cemetery Star chose to stay.

Surprisingly, three out of the five main countries of the original alliance decided to return to their homeworld.

This included Neutral United Front, Underground Nation, and Atlantis, along with a few small countries that chose to move back.

Most nations hesitated due to the concerns that frequent migration would lead to labor and financial losses, causing public dissatisfaction.

However, Shen Congfei and the others were not in a hurry.

It was obvious that they could not all return at this stage.

Moreover, with so many resources still available on Cemetery Star, they had no intention of letting other nations take it cheaply.

Hence, mining spots and resource points within the Front lines were being exploited massively.

These resources would be shipped to the homeworld and used in the rebuilding process.