Chapter 358: The Tech Nerd Misleads Me (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

Temporarily on the mother planet, many countries had abandoned their land.

Shen Cong Fei progressively arranged personnel to go to these places for resource exploration.

However, unfortunately, most of these places had very little resources left.

Moreover, more resources could likely be buried underground, necessitating further exploration before finally mobilizing equipment and personnel for mining.

At this moment, Shen Cong Fei couldn't help but envy the automatic mining vehicles in certain games.

The answer he received after asking "Shen Xiaoja", however, was that it was impossible to realize such a thing.

This was because automatic mining vehicles needed to be equipped with a high-level intelligence module when dispatched, possessing capabilities like self-diagnostics and self-repair.

Also, they would more often than not encounter steep slopes and marshes outside.

Even natural disasters like mudslides and thunderstorms.