Chapter 362 Alert, The Path of Science/Biology (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

Jupiter, the temporary base of the Demon Fleet.

Near the medical treatment room, there was a laboratory specifically responsible for dissecting and studying the corpses of extraterrestrial creatures.

After witnessing the scene where a demon doctor was swallowed by a "corpse", two demon guards immediately sounded the alarm.

Many fully armed Demon Aliens rushed to the treatment room and arrived at the laboratory.

Seeing that they outnumbered the opponent, the two demon guards carrying energy weapons opened the door to the laboratory.

However, before they could fire, they were stunned.

The laboratory was empty.

Not to mention the "corpse", even the blood stains of the doctor were nowhere to be found.

The numerous arriving Demon Aliens felt like they had been tricked.

They glared furiously at the two demon guards.

But the two guards clearly remembered the terrifying scene just now.

They stepped forward, examining the bed that resembled an altar.