Chapter 361: Turning Point (First Update, Asking for Subscriptions)

Looking at the members of the Elders' Council leaving, the Mutant turned his gaze back to the helmet in his hand.

It was said to be an interrogation product derived from human civilization, through the study of the mental induction abilities of alien captives.

It had constantly been improved, and it had now become a device capable of remotely contacting the alien Mind Induction network.

He initially did not believe this claim.

Because it was far-fetched.

But it wasn't until he discovered the phrases "Spark Institute" and "Alien Information Bureau" inside the helmet that he was forced to believe it.

Both of these institutions were established to confront the alien invasion.

Their background relied on the Spark Corps' players, something that everyone knew.

Yes, this Mutant is also a player, moreover, a lone wolf player.

Even the now-renowned "Poison Wolf" star cruiser was named after all the mutants were consulted.