Chapter 16: Drawing Only for My Girlfriend


Su Mu looked at the man and smiled, a professional sketch artist wants to compete with his own customer?

Did he really think Su Mu had no professional training in painting?

Not to mention that Su Mu indeed didn't possess exceptional artistic talent, but he wasn't bad either.

As a top student, Su Mu's art grades were quite good, but it was not something to compare with art majors.

Unfortunately for the man, his plan didn't work out.

Who is Su Mu?

Su Mu is someone backed by a system, could such a trivial matter stump him?

"Check in at Sketch Painting Shop!"

Su Mu hadn't used today's check-in opportunity yet, and now was the perfect time.

"Ding! Successfully checked in at Sketch Painting Shop and obtained the reward 'Champion Painting Skill'!"

As the system's voice faded, Su Mu felt various painting techniques and knowledge cramming into his mind.

Su Mu's hands were also trembling imperceptibly to the naked eye.

A few minutes later, everything returned to calm.

Champion Painting Skill wasn't just about simple sketching anymore.

Chinese painting, oil painting, ink wash painting, abstract painting...

All the painting techniques were etched into Su Mu's mind.

If he wanted, Su Mu could become a master-level figure in the art world.

"How about it, realize you're not up to it now?"

"Without specialized training, you think just anyone can come up and start painting?"

The man thought Su Mu had fallen silent because he lacked confidence after a few minutes.

The man's self-confidence skyrocketed even more.

Handsome, rich, with a beautiful girlfriend.

The man felt that Su Mu had taken all these advantages, but no matter what, Su Mu wouldn't be able to outdo him in painting.

After all, he had undergone over a decade of professional training.

If he were easily defeated, the man might as well cough up blood.

"Should I give it a try?"

Without giving the man a glance, Su Mu winked at Jiang Xinxuan and picked up the brush and paper on the table.

As for her boyfriend, Jiang Xinxuan was naturally supportive.

Even if Su Mu's drawing wasn't as good as that of a professional, Jiang Xinxuan would still think Su Mu was the best.

She sat obediently with a cheek-propped pose for Su Mu to sketch.

All the young people in the shop were naturally curious.

Looking at Su Mu holding the pen, he really seemed to have the air of a professional.

"Wow! This handsome guy is so amazing! He captured the girl's temperament completely."

"Yes, yes, yes, it looks even prettier than beauty filters on smartphones."

"Could it be that the handsome guy is a hidden master?"

As Su Mu put down the last stroke, the crowd around him watching the excitement exploded.

"Look, satisfied?"

Su Mu handed the drawing to a puzzled Jiang Xinxuan.

Jiang Xinxuan had been classmates with Su Mu for three years and, even though Su Mu excelled in every subject,

Jiang Xinxuan knew that Su Mu hadn't received any specialized art training.

Could it be as impressive as these people were saying?

Taking the drawing, and looking at her own image under Su Mu's brush, Jiang Xinxuan revealed a big smile.

She never expected her boyfriend to have such a secret skill.

The Jiang Xinxuan on the paper seemed alive.

Facial expression, demeanor, even the light smile on her lips was depicted charmingly and delicately.

Seeing the reactions of the crowd, the man sensed something was wrong.

Could he have actually encountered a master?

Disbelieving, he moved closer to take a look at the drawing in Jiang Xinxuan's hands.


"You studied fine arts too?"

Even though the man phrased it as a question, his tone was affirmative.

What he didn't say aloud was that Su Mu's foundation in art was many times more solid than his own.

"No, this is just one of my hobbies."

Su Mu gave a considerate answer.

"Impossible, this can't be, how could you draw so well if you've never learned?" The fact was right in front of everyone's eyes—the masses have sharp vision.

Even if the man didn't want to admit that Su Mu drew better than him, he had no choice.

"Because I put my feelings into this painting," Su Mu said.

"You, on the other hand, purely treat it as a job to be completed."

The man knew he had no argument against Su Mu.

Indeed, he was only working at the Sketch Painting Shop to make money.

Feelings for painting?

He had become numb to them long ago.

"I'm sorry, I take back what I said earlier, I will reflect on it."

As if enlightened by Su Mu, the man bowed and apologized to him.

With no concern, Su Mu smiled, seeing the teachable moment.

Who says that artists have quirky temperaments that prevent good communication?

Look at how proper his attitude is.

"Handsome guy, can you draw one for me?"

"And me, draw one for me too."

"I want one as well."


The man was directly pushed out of the circle, as several girls surrounded Su Mu, chattering away in hopes of having the handsome guy draw a beautiful picture for them.

"I'm sorry, I only draw for my girlfriend."

Su Mu took Jiang Xinxuan's hand, refused them outright, and left the Sketch Painting Shop.

"What a pity, the handsome guy is really heartbreaking."

"Well, it's because none of us are as pretty as his girlfriend."

Without getting a painting from Su Mu, the people in the Sketch Painting Shop lost interest in waiting for the emotionless artists to draw for them.

The shop, which had been bustling just a while ago, suddenly grew quiet and empty.

"Su Mu, when did you acquire such high-level painting skills?"

Jiang Xinxuan asked with a face full of curiosity.

The surprise that Su Mu's skills afforded Jiang Xinxuan was quite substantial.

And Su Mu's final refusal of the girls' request.

The line "I only draw for my girlfriend" especially made Jiang Xinxuan's heart swell with joy.

"I just picked it up casually."

Su Mu didn't feel at all that he was bragging.

Picked it up casually?

If such high-level skills could be mastered so effortlessly, what would those who've diligently studied for years and only achieved a bit make of it?

"I'm best at drawing figures, want to try?"

Su Mu whispered into Jiang Xinxuan's ear.

Figure drawings?

Jiang Xinxuan's face turned scarlet instantly.

If they were to go through with such a drawing, wouldn't that mean the two of them would...

"I haven't even had my eighteenth birthday yet, let's wait until after that..."

Jiang Xinxuan began to trail off, lowering her head.

"Alright then, I'll draw several for you after your birthday, we'll take our time," Su Mu said.

Although feeling a bit disappointed that their relationship hadn't taken a substantial step forward during this opportunity,

Su Mu still respected Jiang Xinxuan's wishes and didn't insist.

Su Mu truly liked Jiang Xinxuan.

As for what he had in mind, it was just a breakthrough that would elevate their emotional connection.

"Mm," was the soft reply Su Mu heard.

With a slight curl of his lips, Su Mu, holding the still blushing and bashful Jiang Xinxuan, continued their shopping trip.

After buying two bubble teas and walking around a bit, Jiang Xinxuan finally overcame her shyness.

Seeing that it was getting late, Su Mu dropped Jiang Xinxuan off at the entrance of Yulong Lake Villa.