Chapter 17 The Beauty Takes Initiative to Accompany

As usual, Xiao Wang still got out of the car to buy water.

Jiang Xinxuan, having had the experience from last time, understood Su Mu's intentions.

The two were affectionate with each other in the car for a while until Jiang Xinxuan, reluctantly holding the portrait Su Mu had drawn for her, descended.

Only when Jiang Xinxuan entered the villa area did Xiao Wang return to the car with a bottle of water.

"Young Master, the water you asked for."


Su Mu took it and set it aside.

"Let's go home."

"Certainly, Young Master."

The Maybach made a beautiful turn and began driving in the direction of the seaside in Huadong City.

"Young Master, you've returned."

Ah Fook seemed to have been specifically waiting for Su Mu's return.

As soon as the Maybach parked steadily in the castle's courtyard, Ah Fook opened the rear door, bending his waist in wait for Su Mu to get out.


"Old Master Su is writing in the study."

Elder Su liked to draw and write; it was a pleasant way to pass the time.

"Young Master, I have already registered you at the driving school, and I've placed the materials for the first subject test in your room,"

"You can decide when would be a suitable time for the exam."

Apart from the first subject, which was a written test, Ah Fook thought the Young Master might need some time to study.

For the other subjects, two, three, and four,

Ah Fook, who had witnessed the Young Master's driving skills, thought there was no need to worry at all.

"When is the next available test for subject one?"

Su Mu couldn't wait to drive Jiang Xinxuan around himself.

Xiao Wang was certainly tactful, but going to buy water every time was just too poor an excuse.

Su Mu knew that Xiao Wang was actually quite aware of this.

In Su Mu's eyes, however, Xiao Wang was still a super third-wheel.

"The soonest one is the day after tomorrow, but it's a bit rushed."

The first subject's questions were random, meaning one had to master the thick book's entire contents.

Ah Fook thought that even if the Young Master started studying diligently from tonight, it would still be very tight on time.

"Set it for the day after tomorrow, arrange it,"

"As for the rest of the subject tests, the sooner, the better."

Su Mu was a top student; a small test like subject one was not likely to stump him.

Seeing the Young Master's confidence, Ah Fook swallowed the words that had almost reached his lips.

Just arrange it for now; if he doesn't pass this time, he can always take it again.

It's not a big deal.

"Alright, Young Master."

Ah Fook understood that the Young Master had decided to take the first subject's exam the day after tomorrow.

The following time would definitely be spent preparing and studying.

"Ah Fook, have Xiao Wang take out the Lamborghini sports car from yesterday."

Su Mu had just begun to relish in the joy of driving and was still in high spirits, naturally unwilling to forgo such a wonderful thrill.

"Certainly, Young Master."

Ah Fook had already prepared to help arrange another attempt at subject one for the Young Master.

Without hesitation, he instructed Xiao Wang to drive the Lamborghini sports car from the garage to the courtyard of the castle.


With the sports car's distinct brilliant sound, Su Mu stepped on the gas, and the Lamborghini roared out of the castle gates.

Ah Fook, who had witnessed Su Mu's driving skills, stood there calmly, no longer worried.

The performance of the Lamborghini was quite good.

Su Mu enjoyed the dual experience of the car's speed and the sound system.


A bright red streak suddenly overtook Su Mu's Lamborghini.

"Could it be waiting specifically for me?"

Su Mu didn't believe in such coincidences.

It was still the same Ferrari 599 from yesterday.

Su Mu would drive out at very random times; there was no set schedule.

Just by coincidence, at the same intersection, it was the same Ferrari 599 again?

"Interesting," Su Mu murmured.

With a hook of his lips, Su Mu swerved the steering wheel and hit the gas pedal.

The Ferrari 599 seemed to be prepared, just as the Lamborghini was about to overtake it.

Stomping on the gas, the Lamborghini didn't pass as easily as it had yesterday.

"You're playing for real? Then let me show you the mighty driving skills of this young master."

It was clear that the beauty driving the Ferrari 599 had some skills too.

Su Mu became interested and took it a bit more seriously.

Hitting the gas, veering, and making slight turns...

With just ten percent of his driving skills, Su Mu easily left the Ferrari 599 behind.

Now it was time for a chase.

The beauty in the Ferrari 599 was obviously not convinced and tried to overtake several times.

But she was completely suppressed by Su Mu, without a chance.

"Done playing, heading home," Su Mu declared.

At the same fork in the road as yesterday, he made a sleek U-turn.

As the two cars crossed paths, Su Mu waved to the beauty in the Ferrari 599.

Regardless of her reaction, Su Mu drove straight towards the castle.

"Having a free sparring partner isn't too bad."

Su Mu was in a good mood, with a beauty spontaneously joining him for a drive.

He really was swimming in luck!

Back at the castle, Su Mu had dinner with Elder Su.

Su Ruizhi and Bai Xiuping had been incredibly busy recently, either in meetings or attending various social engagements.

Su Mu wondered, how had his mom and dad managed all these matters for the company for the past eighteen years while keeping it from him?

"Young master, the young madam instructed to have a few suits tailored for you. Shall I take your measurements?"

Seeing Ah Fook with a measuring tape around his neck and holding a notebook and pen, Su Mu was reminded of an old tailor from TV.

Ah Fook was truly a master!

Due to the traditions of the Su Family ancestors, some matters naturally had to be kept low-key and mysterious.

The castle of the Su Family wasn't a place where outsiders were casually admitted.

For a top-tier socialite, wearing custom-made clothing was a common affair.

It could only be said that Ah Fook was a master out of necessity.

"Ah Fook, why is my mom having these made for me?" Su Mu asked, raising his arms as directed by Ah Fook.

He was just preparing to go to university; surely he wouldn't need such formal attire, would he?

"The young madam mentioned there will be a company gathering in a while, and it's time for the young master to make an appearance," replied Ah Fook while continuing his precise work.

Su Mu nodded in understanding.

Having returned to the castle, the public announcement of his identity was naturally the next step.

He had thought getting measured would be a simple affair.

But Su Mu found himself being fussed over by Ah Fook for nearly half an hour.

Afterward, Su Mu retreated straight into his own room.

This was too much hassle; better keep a distance.

Since returning to the castle, Su Mu had developed a good habit of taking baths.

Only after feeling refreshed and lying on the soft bed did Su Mu pick up his phone and light up the screen.

Jiang Xinxuan had sent him several messages.

The class group was bustling, with unread messages piling up one after another.

Adhering to the principle of 'girlfriend first,' Su Mu opened the WeChat messages from Jiang Xinxuan before anything else.

"Su Mu, are you coming tomorrow night?"

"Did you see the messages in our class group?"

"Everyone is planning to have a graduation party tomorrow night."