Chapter 18: The Fiery Beauty

Su Mu clicked open the class group chat, and sure enough, everyone was discussing the dinner gathering for tomorrow night.

He quickly browsed through the messages, and the choice of the hotel was a bit interesting.

Kaiman Hotel?

Although Su Mu's classmates were all from very wealthy families, and going to the Kaiman Hotel for a graduation dinner wasn't too much of an issue.

Su Mu felt it was just too much of a coincidence.

He looked at who initiated it, Wang Mingqi, Zhu Haoyu.

Children of rich families, not familiar with Su Mu, and hardly spoken a few words to each other throughout the three years of high school.

After getting the gist of the situation, Su Mu sent a message back to Jiang Xinxuan.

"Let's go together tomorrow night, we won't have many chances to meet up after this."

"Okay, I was thinking the same."

What you call an instant reply, that's the speed of Jiang Xinxuan's response.

Su Mu smiled, wondering if the girl had been clutching her phone all this time just waiting for his message?

"I'll pick you up tomorrow night."

"Great, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Missing me?"

"No, I was just asking."

Jiang Xinxuan, caught off guard by the question, could feel the flirtation from Su Mu through the phone screen.

"I signed up for the driving test, I have the theory exam the day after tomorrow, so I'll be studying at home tomorrow."

Even if you're a top student, you still need to hit the books.

How does that saying go again? Don't be afraid of a classmate being a top student, be afraid of the top student working during summer vacation.

The hard work of a top student is always done out of sight.

"That soon? I was planning to sign up too, I wish I had known so we could have done it together."

Sending a regretful expression, Jiang Xinxuan felt a hint of disappointment.

If they were learning to drive together, wouldn't she have more time to spend with Su Mu?

"I'll go with you when you sign up."

That was an oversight on Su Mu's part.

All he had been thinking about was getting his driver's license as soon as possible, without considering asking Jiang Xinxuan.

As compensation, Su Mu expressed his sincerity right away.

"That's more like it. Then go study, and I'll wait for you tomorrow night."

After wishing each other goodnight, the young couple each drifted off to sleep.


Su Mu got up early in the morning.

It was only during the summer vacation that he could spend more time at home.

Thinking of how Elder Su would be left alone guarding this big castle when he went off to college,

Su Mu planned to spend as much time with his grandfather as possible when he had the chance.

"Grandfather, good morning. Why didn't you wait for me to start practicing?"

He hurried to Elder Su's side and caught up with the old man's movements.

"You're serious, kid? I thought you were just excited for the moment yesterday."

Continuing his motions without stopping, Elder Su hadn't expected Su Mu to stick with it.

"Do I really seem like an unreliable person, Grandfather?"

"Anyway, don't even think about ditching me this summer vacation; I am set on learning Tai Chi."

"You little rascal."

Elder Su didn't say much, but there was a faint trace of moisture at the corner of his eyes.

After completing a set of Tai Chi, Su Mu grabbed a few slices of bread and went into his room to study.

If he failed the theory exam, it would certainly tarnish his reputation as a top student.

How could Su Mu allow such a thing to happen?


Thinking about it, it took Su Mu just over two hours to commit an entire thick book to memory.

That's why being a top student requires a certain foundation.

Not just anybody can call themselves a top student just like that.

He checked the time, and there was still a while to go before the evening meal.

"I wonder if that beauty will show up again today?"

He asked Xiao Wang to bring out the Lamborghini.

Su Mu's craving for driving hadn't worn off yet, and there was an eager anticipation in his heart.

At the same intersection, Su Mu was on her guard.

Indeed, her speculation was correct.

The striking red Ferrari 599 was parked at the intersection.

As soon as Su Mu's Lamborghini appeared, the Ferrari sped up and came right at her.

"Such a fiery beauty!"

Seeing the Ferrari's speed, Su Mu knew that the woman hadn't even turned off her engine.

She was just waiting there until Su Mu showed up before hitting the gas and coming after her.

This time, prepared mentally, Su Mu didn't even give the woman a chance to overtake.

The Ferrari 599 was completely dominated by the Lamborghini, without a single opportunity to pass.

At the same intersection, this time Su Mu didn't just turn around and leave.

She stopped there, waiting for the Ferrari 599 to catch up with her own car.

Su Mu rolled down the window and gave the woman a thumbs up.

Su Mu had no intention of mocking her; the woman's driving skills were indeed very good.

It was just unfortunate that she had come up against someone with king-level driving skills like herself.

It was only a matter of bad luck for the woman.


Indeed, the woman in the Ferrari 599 was truly beautiful, but her emotionless face gave off an unwelcoming aura.

With an indifferent smile, Su Mu wasn't there to flirt anyway.

She waved her hand, pressed the gas pedal, and drove the Lamborghini away with elegance.

Through the rearview mirror, watching the Lamborghini grow smaller until it disappeared, the woman finally looked away.

Not just today, but yesterday as well, the woman had deliberately waited at the intersection.

Proud of her driving skills, she couldn't accept being easily dominated by Su Mu.

Wanting to redeem herself, the woman had intended to challenge Su Mu to another showdown.

But reality proved that she was indeed not as skilled.

However, she wasn't ready to admit defeat that easily.

Turning around, the woman followed the same route back.

Having returned to the castle, Su Mu greeted Elder Su before heading back to her room for a shower.

After changing into newly purchased clothes, Su Mu decided to reveal her true identity today.

Noticing the time and needing to pick up Jiang Xinxuan, Su Mu thought it best to leave early.

Of course, it was still Su Mu's philosophy.

The cars should be driven in rotation.

This time, Xiao Wang brought out a Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Su Mu was aware that the car's price without any add-ons was already close to ten million.

There were many cars of this caliber in the garage, and not being picky, she got into the car right away.

"Yulong Lake Villa."

"Alright, Young Master."

Lately, Su Mu had been visiting the Yulong Lake Villa very frequently, so Xiao Wang was well-acquainted with the way.

When they were almost there, Su Mu sent a WeChat message to Jiang Xinxuan.

As the Rolls-Royce arrived at the entrance of the Yulong Lake Villa complex, Su Mu saw that Jiang Xinxuan was already waiting.

Such a punctual girl!

That's what Su Mu quietly admired to herself.

Jiang Xinxuan had every reason to be arrogant, yet she never did anything annoying.

Some women feel it's a man's natural duty to wait for them.

Su Mu truly scoffed at this absurd idea.

Waiting for someone is the biggest waste of time; without a legitimate reason, Su Mu was never willing to engage in such a pointless waste of her time.

"Xiao Xuan."

Su Mu had indeed been changing cars a bit too frequently.

Jiang Xinxuan didn't realize the Rolls-Royce that pulled over was Su Mu's; she just patiently stood waiting.

Upon hearing Su Mu's voice, Jiang Xinxuan realized that her boyfriend had arrived.

Smiling, Jiang Xinxuan walked towards Su Mu.

Su Mu noticed that lately, there had been a significant change in Jiang Xinxuan's style of dressing.

She was becoming increasingly feminine.

But Su Mu really liked Jiang Xinxuan's transformation.