Chapter 136: Mad Move

"Dong dong"

Unable to lower the car window, He Qiya symbolically knocked a few times on the driver's side window.

She had walked all the way to Su Mu's car, yet Su Mu showed no sign of acknowledgment.

To say that Su Mu hadn't seen her would be impossible in He Qiya's mind.

Just now, Su Mu was clearly about to back up; it was her hurried dash out of her own car that had stopped him.

Now, Su Mu's behavior could only mean that he was very dissatisfied with He Qiya's earlier actions.

He Qiya knew she was at fault.

Driving as recklessly as she had, anyone would have taken issue with it.

It was only because she knew Su Mu's driving skills well that she dared to make such a move.

He Qiya knew that Su Mu was someone of quality.

If it were someone else, they might have already gotten out of their car and given her a good scolding.

But He Qiya was aware that only Su Mu could drive her to such a mad act.

With anyone else, He Qiya wouldn't bother giving them the time of day.