Chapter 137 Double Happiness

"Who says I don't understand calligraphy? I sincerely think the characters you write are good, Grandpa."

Su Mu did not want to lose face in front of someone he cared about.

If it had been before, Su Mu naturally wouldn't have been so confident.

As an outsider, discussing this issue with an expert—wasn't that just asking to be exposed?

But now Su Mu had external support, he could of course be so bold and assertive.

"Oh? Then tell me, what script is this that I've written?"

Elder Su looked at his grandson with amusement, the young fellow was quite self-assured.

Since Xiao Mu was so confident, Elder Su also wanted to test his grandson.

"I'll study it carefully."

Su Mu moved closer, seemingly deep in study of the grand, dancing characters Grandpa had written.

"Sign in at the study!"

"Ding! Sign-in at the study successful, reward received: King-Level Calligraphy Skill!"

The system was very human-friendly, knowing exactly what Su Mu urgently needed—a knowledge of calligraphy.