Chapter 145: The Battle for Talent

Seeing that Su Mu did not make a statement, Director Yu was getting a bit anxious.

Did he not use the right approach?

But isn't the scholarship issue what students from ordinary families care about the most?

Or did Su Mu think it was too little?

Director Yu was secretly guessing in his mind.

There was room for negotiation with the scholarship offered by the school.

Before coming to Huadong International Middle School, the president of S University had made it clear that they could offer up to five hundred thousand in scholarships.

Because Director Huang of Z University had not mentioned the issue of scholarships, Director Yu did not want to reveal all the cards of his school and thus started with an offer of one hundred thousand to test the waters.

"One hundred thousand is nothing."

"Student Su Mu, if you choose our Z University, we can offer you a scholarship of three hundred thousand."

Director Huang glanced at Director Yu, who doesn't have scholarships?