Chapter 146: Tempting Conditions


Having received the answer he wanted, Su Mu nodded.

There were no problems now.

The class teacher standing by, with a proud smile on his face that he couldn't hide.

Thinking back on his years of teaching at the international middle school, this was the first time he had witnessed such an exciting scene.

The two most prestigious universities in the country were competing for the same student.

And that student was someone he had taught.

Looking at how promising Su Mu was, the class teacher felt as if he was watching his own child.

That sense of pride welled up from deep within his heart.

"Su Mu, have you made up your mind?"

The principal, standing nearby, was also waiting for Su Mu's answer, no matter what Su Mu's final decision would be.

The principal had decided to record today's event in the school's archive of significant events,

Su Mu would become the first student of Huadong International Middle School to be honorably recorded in the school's important files.