Chapter 360: Strangle in the Cradle

It was somewhat unexpected. Su Mu and Four Eyes exchanged a look—it seemed He Qiya wasn't entirely useless after all.

At the very least, Wang Yiming would now be aware of Su Mu's true identity, which surely must have been divulged by He Qiya.

Su Mu didn't know whether it was He Qiya who had convinced Wang Yiming to give up the idea of inviting him to join the "Happy Sunday" program.

Or perhaps it was because Wang Yiming had learned of his identity that he himself had given up.

In any case, no matter how you looked at it, this was not bad news for Su Mu.

At least, Wang Yiming wouldn't bother Su Mu anymore, right?

"What's happening? Why did Wang Dao just bow to that handsome guy?"

"No idea. I'm just as far away as you, how could I possibly know what's happening over there?"

"I just saw Wang Dao looking at a cell phone with Miss He for a while, then she said something and he did that."

"Whatever you saw, we all have eyes and saw it too, right in front of us."