Chapter 361: Going Straight to the Point


"Now you realize how ridiculous your idea was, don't you?"

"Can you really get Su Mu to come on the program?"

Su Mu did not express his stance, as such trivial matters truly did not warrant his concern.

Not to mention that Wang Yiming now knew his identity and wouldn't dare to invite him again.

Even if Wang Yiming still held his initial thoughts, Su Mu would directly refuse.

For Su Mu, it was very simple.

If he disliked something, he wouldn't go, just like that, capricious as it may seem.

Four Eyes clearly wasn't as composed as Su Mu.

Four Eyes felt his time searching for the girl in the background was wasted by Wang Yiming, and was understandably upset.

He directly snapped, wanting to vent his dissatisfaction thoroughly.

"I'm sorry, I was offensive, I really had no idea about Mr. Su's identity at first, which is why I rashly came over."

Despite Four Eyes' hostile attitude, Wang Yiming remained very sincere in his apology.