Chapter 365: Portrait

"Mr. Four Eyes, why don't you draw a front view of your 'Girl with the Back Turned'?"

"Even a simple one would do, at least we can make out some contours or something, maybe Wang Dao and I will have a stroke of inspiration and remember her?"

Because both Su Mu and He Qiya were calling him 'Four Eyes,' Zhou Lina had to address Four Eyes somehow when speaking to him.

The title 'Mr. Four Eyes' would just have to do for now.

"Mr. Four Eyes?"

Four Eyes was somewhat taken aback. What kind of nickname was this?

Back when his classmates called him 'Four Eyes,' he actually found it quite endearing.

Now being called "Mr. Four Eyes," it sounded so awkward no matter how he heard it.

Four Eyes looked to Su Mu, somewhat pleading for help, but the smile on Su Mu's lips made it even clearer how bizarre this 'Mr. Four Eyes' was.

"Su Mu."

Four Eyes did not want to hear 'Mr. Four Eyes' anymore. With no choice, he couldn't correct Zhou Lina's phrasing on the spot.