Chapter 366 All Were Wrong

Zhou Lina's efficiency was still quite fast.

As soon as Four Eyes followed Su Mu and He Qiya into Zhou Lina's office, Zhou Lina had already prepared paper and pencils.

Looking at Su Mu sitting comfortably on the sofa to the side, enjoying his coffee,

Four Eyes felt he was being treated unfairly.

Four Eyes knew he was hopeless at academics, always the first in line when it came to eating.

In contrast, Su Mu was the typical overachiever.

But now the overachiever was enjoying himself while he, the underachiever, had to demonstrate his artistic skills?

Four Eyes truly had grievances he couldn't express.

Not daring to shirk his responsibilities, Four Eyes knew this was a task for him alone.

The key point was that he was the only one who knew what the back of the girl he was looking for actually looked like.

If he didn't do this job, no one else could take it off his hands.