2.34.2 Stop annoying me...

Dropping into the village of Ofurd which was situated thirty kilometers away from the Riber city. Zeldim sent out drones to scan the whole area, while a speaker on his ship announced to the villagers a special inspection.

"This is a routine checkup, please drop all the work you are doing and come to the city center. This order is compulsory. Failure to do so will result in instant imprisonment."

Looking at the villagers who rushed to the center, Zeldim nodded his head.

'Good' He thought. While ignoring the eyes filled with fear as they looked at him.

A look that he has gotten used to since his operation.

Alfin was right earlier. Zeldim was not the kind to sit in the back office and do paperwork. After his injury, he still chose to get back to the battlefield. For which, he went through countless operations to add multiple cybernetic enhancements to his body.

Which gave him an immense boost to his strength. But it also caused a lot of his humanity to die along the way.