1.35.1 Alfin's shit-eating grin.

In Alfin's destroyed lab, the sound of a woman came from the other side of the screen. "Seven of the original thirteen subjects have been accounted for. And there has been no sign of Reece." She reported some worry.

The operation hasn't been as successful as they might have hoped.

Listening to the reports, rubbed his head in frustration.

What the report didn't mention was the amount of actual worthwhile subjects who had been injected with Alfin's blood serum.

There were only three among the seven. While originally, those with Alfin's blood serum amounted to more than 60% of total subjects.

'No sign of the boy anywhere. But this is too early to worry and not as that old bastard would ever harm children, right?' Alfin was not sure of this anymore. Who knows, if some butterfly effect has caused Nephylite to turn evil?