The ritual rite for the god of mercy

"We shall invite other kingdoms for this festival, he said", though it wasn't done like that, but the men love the idea as it is a means of building peace and harmony with other local kingdoms around Zomuda. 

A day before the fest king Hala summoned the men to inquire about his dress code for the event since it will last for a week. 

"The first day, you shall be in white attire, this signifies peace throughout the ceremony, the second day you shall be in green as it represents the fertile soil of Zomuda, the third day you shall go from one end of the kingdom to the other end with white and red, the fourth and fifth day is paying of homage and tributes to our heroes past, the great Zomuda and your late father including our brave men and women who gave their lives for the existence of this community, the sixth day, the merciful coconut tree that feds our ancestors shall be honour by series of ritual activities and giving it fruits to the people to eat and the seventh day is the great day the king has a wife from his beautiful ladies then the rest if eat, drink and dance my king sir Poker highlighted calmly to the hearing of everyone". 

The awaiting day has come, and the king was decently dressed in a white robe as listed by the men, he welcomed everyone saying!! "I welcome everyone in the name of our heroes past, the pregnant day has finally delivered happiness, peace joy and together, with open heart let's make merry and pray to our fathers to grant us more fruitful days in Zomuda, I declare this ceremony open, let it begin now" the people applaud his warmth speech as they sang his praise, longevity your portion your majesty!! 

All this he does to buy his people's minds to effect his bitter act.

On the sixth day of the fest the newly ordained diviner initiated the ritual by leading the Procession by a series of prayers and incarnation in language that is best known to him, he let the people march around the coconut tree seven times as they beg for blessed days ahead. 

After the procession he blessed the people by printing a sign with the ashes from the leave of the coconut leaves on their forehead and order the coconut tree to be climbed and bring down as many fruits as they can, a young man climb the tree and fell down the fruits immediately they were skinned and broken and distributed to everyone, the magic that happened swept every one off his or her feet as the fruits multiply on the process of distribution, everyone ate to their fill and they praised their ancestors for the bountiful gift. 

On the seventh day of the fest, king Hala was so much excited as he wait to make his better half from the show, everybody gathered in the centre of the kingdom waiting for the dancers to come on stage, the flute was playing endlessly and the drum men hitting the drum so excitedly as the girls melodiously dance into the arena. It was so entertaining and lovely as they danced around to greet everybody. 

"My people today is the deal day, our girls shall dance to entertain our king and he shall get a wife from there, let the drums sound like never before and the flutes sound to the sky to the hearing of our ancestors,'' the diviner said". The girls danced romantically and adorably, the king was lost in thought and admiration as he lustfully gazed on the girls. The dancing steps of a girl was all over him, he never knew when he started nodding his head to the body movement of the girl. 

His action towards the girl was noticed immediately by the diviner and he smiled. The dance lasted for two hours and was halted. Great people of Zomuda!! "I believe we all enjoy our eyes and have our soul fed by the amazing dance steps from our daughters". We are fully entertained as we wanted, "exactly!! the people responded in an enthusiastic tone". 

The final stage of the ceremony we are now and it is over to our king to choose his better half, "your highness please step forward to get that beautiful queen all to yourself". Majestically he got up and walked to the lady that arouse his feelings during the dance, will you marry me? The girl at that moment was out of the world because she never expected a bunch of benevolence display from the king, she uncontrollably shared tears which got the people bemused, whether it was tears of joy or sorrow and she collapse in the arms of the king. 

"Almost everyone was afraid of what might have happened to her, the ceremony is ended let everyone go home and rest sir Poker said, she will be fine". The guards took her home for the Palace maidens to nurse that day. Where am I? "Don't worry you are safe here with us one of the maidens said politely". 

"You were the best dancer on the occasion, your dance steps took the king of his feet and he chose you as his new queen", me!!!!!! Oh my, goodness is this how I have my destiny ruined? She said this in her mind, why did he choose me, am I the most beautiful or the best dancer? "Yes, you are chorus by the maidens". The girl was panting as if her heart is out of position, this is why I told my parents I don't want to participate in the dance. Now, what will be my fate here? "Your majesty, you are fine with us we are your sisters and always at your service here said by the head of maiden".

They cleaned her up and informed the king she is awake. Your Highness, why did you choose me over all the beautiful ladies with amazing acrobatics dance steps? 

"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder he replies with no smile on his face". "We shall go see your parents for the marriage rite over morrow". 

Now the desperate girl that longed to marry the king was furious because she wasn't selected, but she never knew how gracious the almighty care for her, Lila the name of the selected dancer took my place in the Palace she said to her friends, "I shall make it hurt for her she". 

"Cila better leave our incumbent queen to adapt in peace to her new home, you don't need to be told when the king discovered you are sending threats to his woman, your head might be the next cup to have his wine said by Telia". Immediately fear enveloped her and said that's true, I don't want to die young, I guess Lila is not happy right now for being selected by a beast in human form. 

They went their way as they talked laugh to their different abode. They parted in the kingdom junction as they said to each other, see you at Lila marriage ceremony!!