King Hala got married

Everybody in the kingdom was ready for the marriage rite, Lilan was sent home to get ready and have a word with his parents as culture demanded. 

Mother! Why must I be the one for the king, is this how I will end my life in doom? 

"My daughter left for me I wouldn't let him have you, but your father was over the moon that his majesty chose you".

The heart of the king is full of deceit and evil, my daughter, the father interrupted their conversation, "I am proud of you, I prophesied this day long ago and it has come to stay, now we are excepted from the fury of the king". 

Is this the reason you are happy about this? Oh yes!!! Why are you so heartless? You don't care about my happiness, not even my freedom but all about yourself, she asked her father with an erosion of tears wearing away her makeup. The mother gave her a lasting hug as they both wet each other with tears. 

There is nothing I can do, I am glad you are endowed with wisdom and insights, you are capable of handling issues. 

Don't let the king see you like a hungry woman for pleasure, show him love and care, you may be the one dedicated to changing him from his evil ways, now you are to define and follow the meaning of your definition for fate. "Go and prosper and excel she said as the cry waxed stronger". 

"Now I am an in-law to the king, what an honour" father I am yet to step in but you are already full of yourself, it is a bane to me that my our father is the catalyst to my sadness and sorrow. It's okay, get dressed and let's go to the party, the mother said. 

"My queen you are needed now at the party ground two men rode in a chariot to pick her and her family". The people are gathered waiting for you to come, your highness, one of the guards addresses her majestically, wow!!!!!! The father exclaimed, "Blessed be this day that I am projected above my equals and enemies, while he was busy singing unending praise the mother brought forth her daughter for the journey. 

All eyes were on her, the guards couldn't control his emotional state as he was totally buried in lust for the incumbent Queen. She was dressed in a white and a little touch of red in her robe, her hair sparks like that of a goddess, and her eyes were bluish in colour. One of the guards salivated rapidly, forgetting his ear to any word at that moment. Shall we begin, ye… s…yesss, we can, oh!! ehm, ehm….we can, he said as he jerked in his speech. 

The guards rode the family to the event ground, the king was dressed with the same colour, the people couldn't recognise who they saw, they men started raining praises on her, "may the almighty be blessed for he has sent her daughter to our king for marriage". When everyone was seated sir Poker asked the father to declare the ceremony open as he offer his daughter to the king. 

"Greetings to the good people of Zomuda, it is good to bear good fruit and I happened to bear the most precious fruit (referring to his daughter)., today is a remarkable day for me and all of us, who am I to frown at the king's order? My king here is my beautiful daughter, she is all yours and I declare the party open".

While some people applaud him, some poke nose at him for making a foul speech, placing himself above them. From behind two women said quietly "if only you know the boat you allow your daughter to sail", may she be protected is our prayer for her. 

Lila was brought before the king, and while the king was smiling gorgeously but she withheld her smile. Hala engaged him in a walk while the party was in high gear. Do you like this place? This is my world and I will give it all to you. I am the greatest, no one steps on my tail and goes freely, I am the great lion, when I roar every other animal goes into themselves. 

Lila was trembling in her heart, "what mess have I put myself", is he a human or a beast? Are you okay he asked but no word came from her because she was lost in thought. Hala noticed she was absent-minded, Lila!!!!! Yes….yessss!!!! Your highness, she responded so fast as she gasped. What are you thinking? "Nothing I like your hair she said", but the king was too wise to play games with. Don't play with me, okay, even the dog teaches her puppy lesson despite her love for her, I am now your husband, I have right over you in every aspect. 

"I have invited conventional rain upon myself, now I have a mouthful of sand, my blood is cold and my heart is heavy, my father saw me in between danger but his thirst for power and fame, she propelled me in. My mother was speechless because the battle weigh beyond her strength, my tears are now my best friend for this is where I found myself and this is my destiny she consoled herself"

They returned back to the party ground, she pretend to be fine, but with her is pot sorrow. Hala left her to cheer with his fellow Kings who came to merry with him, they wined and ate together. The party finally ended and  everywhere was deserted. 

The maidens came to congratulate her, they made her smile as they engaged her in a walk around the Palace, your majesty don't worry, "the Palace is a beautiful place to stay, so feel at home and enjoy the nature, we promised to dance with all our energy for you on your coronation day as the queen of Zomuda, she smiles once more as she heard this from the maidens".


Your coronation is two days from now, and on that day according to the Palace rules enacted by King Keith and endorsed by the diviner, you and the king shall have a long conversation and you are free to air your mind. He shall ride with you on his beautiful horse around the town and take you to the beachside for the conversation. 

That day is full of happiness so you should put on a smiling face awaiting that day our beautiful queen, they all erupted into laughter and went into the Palace.