King Hala and Queen Lila hang out. 

According to the tradition of Kings after their marriage, they have to ride their queen on a white horse around the town and to the beachside specially reserved for royalties. 

"Get the white horse ready for our trip king Hala ordered his guard". The Queen was crowded with her maids busy transforming her into a goddess with her makeup. Guard tell my wife to come out. I am ready for the trip. 

Hala couldn't contain his lustful gaze towards his wife, he injected saliva frequently as she came closer to him, "your highness I… I am ready, she jerked in her speech. They both rode on a horse, Hala was seated behind his wife and felt the succulent touch of her skin, but pride never let him tell his just wedded wife she was beautiful. They got to the beach with their entourage, there was a distance between them and the guards but all eyes were on both of them for security. 

"You look good today, '' he said in a cold tone. ``Thank you, your majesty, `` she replied, fidgeting. "In those days my father told me a lot of stories about this kingdom, now it is my turn to share those stories with you here as culture demands". "I am the king of Zomuda the only lion in the jungle, I must be dreaded by my people if not I crush anyone who tends to rub shoulder with me, so my queen you have me all to yourself, no man born of a woman can challenge you, I am with you". "I know I am married to a beast, no human feelings but it's fine, I must ferry with him, he is my part now I need to live with him as he is but I must try my best to transform him, the Queen whispered these words to herself". 

The purpose of their trip is to have quiet time for each to know themselves more, this is the custom of the King before the reign of Hala. "Zomuda has made this day opendential for you and me, especially you to ask me any burning questions within you, it's a merciful day, I king Hala don't take laws into my hands, so you are free to air your burdens let treat them together my queen". Trashed my burden together? O….h yes!!!!! He replied. 

May I know you Lila asked? He erupted into laughter and squeezed suddenly, hmm….I am the great one born by a weak king Mr Keith and a lioness my great late mother. My confidence and discipline today are the handiwork of my mother. I called her my mentor because she orchestrated my success. She once told me the king is a lion, not a lazy lion-like my father, "be strong and cruel when you are made king he said" but my father was her opposite. 

I am a man of few words, I love action more than words…. 

Over to you, deep in fear she said "never was it my dream to marry to the royalty", why did you say this? According to the rich, as I was told in my childhood, royalty marries royalty, but my case Is different now, and I never knew I would be selected in the dancing competition," I never came to the arena to attract you but to entertain you and our people". Hmm…..that's nice, "you must be a nice soul he said to his wife". 

Now you are married to the king, what is your fate? 

Making a good home for you is my responsibility now she said, can you handle my bitter side? Bitter side, what's your bitter side she asked? 

"Don't worry you will be acquitted to me as time goes on". 

He signalled one of his guards for wine, "let have wine my lady", can I be part of this man? "My fate please prepare me for the day of hurt from my husband". 

My king! Yes, my queen! Why did you possess dual nature, now you are romantic and later you are not? "Have I been stiffed on you he asked", no your highness; he skipped the question as he narrated, "I want to be the hardest king that no man can fall, but I will be the best husband to you if you dance to my tune. 

" You see where we are seated, It was sited before my father was born, specifically prepared by our ancestors that came to this town, they built this place to promote love between King and his wife for a better home". They ate and drank as we are doing now, they laughed and merry as we do now. My queen looks ahead of you, you see those beautiful flowers? "They were planted by the late Queens, the flower signifies their acceptance of their husbands and love", but we do not have a flower my king? He signalled the head of his guards and the flower was brought in, here your highness!

He handed it to his wife to plant your flower now! Her level of enthusiasm was high as she majestically walked to plant her flower. 

She gave her husband a warm hug after planting the flower. "Now it is time for us to return home. He said" okay!! She chorus in a melodious voice. Before they could get ready, their horse was ready to ride them home. They climbed onto their ride and zoomed off happily. 

"May the atmosphere always be blue, I pray amen!! The other maidens replied as one of them said the prayer, ``I am very convinced our almighty has come to make peace with his highness via our Queen, our king dramatises less than before," the strength of a woman Mayer said". "But I am not convinced the king is changing, we all know how he suddenly changed in mood, I don't believe he is a Saint now, anyways if he changes for good it is to our good but if he doesn't it is for our melancholy". It is time to go in and get the Queen ready for her final coronation as our Queen the head maid ordered. 

Greetings to the great people of Zomuda! "Today is the final day for the coronation of our daughter and our Queen as tradition demands, we shall crown her as the queen to our almighty King, Hala smiled at the heavy accolades given to him by sir Poker". Let the queen come forward for her final coronation and blessings from the diviner. 

She came forward with her eyes full with the fire of love and romance, almost everybody that saw her was lust in thoughts, but they comported themselves excluding a man who had been a gigolo that exclaimed unknowingly to him what a beauty she is!! I wish I could have you on my bed, he said this out of drunkenness but the king failed to comprehend his state rather held him for his speech. 

Everybody was shivering for this man because they knew his time was up, but the king absorbed his action till after the coronation and ordered his guards to murder him at night in his house. 

The man was murdered in cold blood in his house at night the same night.