The maidens and the Queen.

After everybody had gone to their various position of work, and the king has entered his chamber, the queen was alone at the spot her husband made nonsense of her. 

Then her maidens came to her, your highness are you okay? Ye...s… fine, are you sure Bira asked? Yes, I am fine, do you care for a walk around the garden? Yes, I do. 

The maids were excited as they take a walk around the Palace. 

The tree is beautiful the queen exclaimed.

Do you like its colour your majesty, yes I do? 

Some time ago when Hala father was alive, he went far away to a kingdom called Kishala, to visit a great king notably for war, his strength and skill for the sword made him famous. 

King Keith has been a lover of good and famous people, decided to visit the great king whose kingdom was situated on the east, he embarked on this journey with 32 soldiers and four of his king's men, popular among them was sir Poker, the expenditure cost them a lot of silver and gold. 

Keith was known for his wealth and kindness, prepared fervently for the journey with a lot of food and wine including water, the journey lasted for 21 days before arriving at the kingdom. They were warmly welcomed by the king and his people, a lot of presents were given to our late king and his people. 

They ate and drank together according to our late  king happily, our late king stayed for a week, on the day before his return, he was entertained by the youth of the kingdom with wrestling, a lot of bush meat were rusted for them to eat, when the day of their coming back to Zomuda came, king Keith was presented with the beautiful flower tree you saw and a lion skin killed by the great king, gold cups including jewellery were given to all of them, including the guards that accompanied them. 

King Keith planted a tree in that kingdom also as a sign of peace. 

The Queen was sucked into the story. Amazing!! What a good man king Keith was, no wonder our people sang his praise so much…. Something is getting me confused here the queen said, what is that your highness? Her maid teased her as if they were friends or sisters, she smiled and asked, what means did king Keith use in informing the king about his coming? Oh... Oh…. Oh!!! I forgot that part, as the narrator Zia said before she could come back to herself, the other maidens were already applauding the queen for her smart question. 

Hope you ladies weren't flattering me here, how can we? They chorus, "better be she said" hey, Zia! Attend to my question okay your majesty, in those days the means of sending messages is magical even till date when a king wants to pass a peaceful message he will summon the diviner, there is a white pigeon that understands the language of the diviner, the diviner will say, "go to where I am sending you with this flower deliver it to the receiver. 

The pigeon would do as it was commanded, when the receiver gets the message if it is acceptable h/she will give the pigeon a white flower back to the sender. That is how messages are passed. 

And this is the exact method king Keith used. 

What if it is a war invitation the queen asked again? A bright red piece of cloth will be given to the pigeon, If the receiver agrees to the war h/she would give the pigeon a white piece of cloth stained with the blood of any animal to signify war. 

"Wow out father were very intelligent the queen said, more than intelligent your majesty," Zia replied. 

What is the name of the great king and his kingdom? The name of the king is "the great Daus" and his kingdom is Kishala as I mentioned earlier, his people loved him affectionately and named him the fearless lion in the jungle, because of his unpredictable skill in war. 

He was the first king of the Kishala kingdom and his title was the great Daus one of the Kishala kingdom. 

King Keith was so happy from that journey, though, that was his last trip before he was called by the almighty, everybody involved on that journey were 3 times richer, so the flower you saw there was given to our late king by his friend Daus, as a sign of forever peace. 

The lion skin on the king throne was from there also and some of our gold cups and jewellery, you can see our necklaces and earrings are all gold, our late king gifted us when he returned from his trip. 

You, people, must have had the late king all to yourselves the queen flattered her maidens, oh….yes we did, they chorus again with excitement. 

His demise was a slap to our faces and there is nobody to fill his place in our hearts, he left a scar unhealed in our hearts, I wish he could just come and stay for just a day. 

My sisters the queen addresses his maidens, "no life Is forever, there is a time to stay and a time to live, a time to born and a time to die when nature calls we must obey, but our confidence is so rigid that one day we will meet to part no more, this is my belief and my faith", she said. 

"You have a lot to see in this castle only if you wouldn't be a wolf to us the maidens said", I never see you people as my servants because I am not better than you all, I am a queen today is not by right but a privilege and the grace of the almighty, all of you are in my heart are my sisters. 

"You all are free to approach me any day but you must be careful not to march the king's tale, she cautions them. Anytime you ladies are less busy and I am less busy too please don't hesitate to invite me for a walkout like this". 

Zia the head maidens said, if you need our services please your majesty signal us so that we may not be bad eggs in the Palace, you know our king is a disciplinarian, we can pay with our lives if he sees you work. You know he loves you so much and he's becoming nice gradually, so help us to help ourselves, your majesty, Zia pleaded on behalf of her mates. 

I promised never will I inflate pain or any form of punishment on any of you through my behaviour.