The Queen nightmare

It was night, all the maidens had gotten to bed. I was counting my ceiling because insomnia became my talking mate in my room. 

"I wish I could go to the king and share his bed with him tonight", what am I saying? 

"I didn't plan this marriage, why should I be baptised in emotion for the king, when he's not even romantic" his masculine nature is all over him. 

Though it's cold here, I must sink into my blanket to compensate for the cold for the night. While still in the conversation with myself, I heard some footsteps, wandering in the passage near my window. 

I became nervous, it might be the monster, at this point she was referring to her husband the king. 

No…no, "it can't be him", he doesn't walk so fast like that, "the lion is never in a hurry for the jungle meeting", he always told me. 

I became cold immediately, while my hands were discharging sweat like I was profusely wet from the rain, oh…my goodness!!!!! Why is this night so strange? 

Hmm..are you not the lion wife again? My conscience motivated me. I pump my jaw like a swollen octopus and peep towards the window to see who the hell is gallivanting on the corridor, I approach the window fidgeting. 

What I saw was unspeakable, the last thing I remembered was I gave a thunderous shout that took everyone in the Palace off their sleep. 

I saw myself rolling my eyeball like the second leg of the wall clock, the maidens were all over me, I felt still cold and my heart was on my palm panting so rapidly. 

Zia was tapping sponging my head with warm water. "Where is my husband?" The king brought you here Zia said", they winked at each other, Zia was lost in thought, does this woman know who she is raining love on? 

"It's okay I am fine", I left them without acknowledging their hospitality, I staggered towards my room with a dark face, my eyes suddenly flashed on the king, but I buried my eyes from him, stunted into my room, parading from one end to the other end. 

I heard a knock on my door, that was the first time he knocked on my door since I was married into the Palace, he always badges on me. There was a day he badged on me half-naked, "I yearned at him forgetting how dangerous he was, my body is my pride I told him". Though his pride never let him learn from his mistakes. Today was different, I thought it was one of the maidens, I hurriedly got into the nearest cloth on my bed. 

Come in I said, "behold it was the great lion, my husband". Why did you give such a thunderous shout yesterday, he asked politely? My mother once said, "If your enemy is becoming nice to you, he or she is paid to kill you or he has realised his mistake. I was afraid to answer, though I had a mouthful of words at the moment. 

I am fine, are you sure you are fine? He was curious to know what happened to me yesterday, I…am… fine, I fidgeted. 

Hala didn't have time for the long explanation, he got upset rapidly when one was beating about the bush. Could you just tell me what the problem is? His blue eyes suddenly turned red and the vein in his head became very pounced. 

At this point I don't need to jeopardise the issue, I was acting hard because I needed some soft care and cuddles, but my pride at this Junction is left me. 

Ye…y…s, yes what? He roared in a heavy voice but not loud. Yes….ye….yesterday, I heard strange footsteps wandering to and fro in our passage. I became curious to know who was parading the corridor, then what happened he interjected?

 I..i..saw two of the chairs in the passage been moved without any physical force on them, 

Immediately I felt my head was blowing up and I exploded in that loud shout. 

Hahaha…..haha…. He laughed continuously until tears started dripping off his cheek. I looked timid at this point, "why are you laughing at delicate issues like this? You called it delicate?" Yes, if it wasn't delicate then what is it" huh…..?

"King Keith was very fond of this passage, when he was alive he always used that chair you see moved without physical intervention in the passage", king Hala narrated to his wife. "I see, the footsteps I heard were of a man. 

Still in the conversation, when Hala came close to me, that was the first time he offloaded his ego, but I was in doubt. Could this be a text I asked myself? 

" You don't need to be cheap for the king in bed I remembered my mother said this to me", he came close like he wanted to hide in me, I shuffled as he drew closer, to my amazement, he said "fear is the hallmark of failure, you will only grow mighty if you can conquer fear and he left the room. 

I was lost in disappointment because I wanted to use this medium to display how tough I was to him too. After all, men are weak when it comes to bed affairs, but I discovered my husband was weak as I thought. 

I was bitter with his smart display, still thinking of how to deal with his emotions, I heard a voice, your majesty, that should be Zia, I pretend there was a speck in my eye. Ye….sss...yes come in, what did you want I attacked him with a question? While I was still smooching my eye. 

Your highness, is everything okay, did you need my help, what's is wrong with your eyes? I said I am okay, I transferred aggression to the innocent maid. Sorry, your majesty she apologies and hurried out. What have I done, did I just yearn at her? 

Zia, "I am sorry for the way I spoke to you yesterday", I was mad at myself, hope you are not angry? "No your majesty she said as she apologies too, "I am sorry for coming into your privacy when I wasn't needed, I promise not to exhibit such character again", I called her to myself and pampered her with a warm hug, all the other maidens were so happy seeing me dishing unconditional love to her.