The lamentations of Poker

The king's threat of death to sir Poker really made me vehemently hold the urine, but hearing, "I will drink wine with your skull" causes a reflex action in me. 

"Death would have married you by now, I wish the king noticed your action," Mr Mik wife said. What is so awkward in poker's speech that warrants the threat of beheading? 

This position is a bone in my throat, I would love to quit but quitting might lead to my death, I have you people to still care for. All the king's men are bemused in this situation. 

"What happened to me that day would have ended my life if the king was aware, he will never admit his action instigated that".  "I wonder the state of Mr Poker who received the hot threat Mik concluded" 

"It would have been nice if we could come in one accord, to plan for his exit, but the hungry dog in the kingdom will open the bag for the cat, " Mik wife said sorrowfully with tears. There is no success without pain, no victory without sacrifice it shall come to pass only if we begin with a step 

Mik assisted his wife's words. 

" Never suggest this to anyone because you don't know your enemy, Mik cautions his wife". 

Mik hurried down to see the state of Poker, they always have each other back, when Dia was depressed they all went to cheer him up. 

Poker welcomed Mik, "please get us some wine to accompany our talk poker asked his wife". "Since the day our king assumed office till now, nothing good has emanated from Zomuda. In sorrow and pain we have been living", Mik said. 

"I am very convinced everybody in this kingdom sleep with their hearts in their hands", Poker said. Mik certified his statement ones. 

"I never expected such deadly words from his majesty, though he stings like a  bee if it can say this to you, death maybe my case if I try a suggestion like that", "I know one day, the king will definitely invite the rain on me, it will rain definitely but not on me", Poker said. 

"What a buoyant man he was, he was never frightened by the words of the king? Just hearing caused me an irregular heartbeat, but the person it concerns feels less bordered".

Hmmm…does it mean poker knows the king's weak point? Mik said within himself. 

Nothing lasts forever, the good ones die, how much more the evil ones? 

His days might be long for the almighty to have his life, he is our creator who decides what to do with what he created, but if he afflicts us more with Hala then, we shall take laws into our hand poker said bitterly. 

That was my first time I saw my friend angry, but I was vehemently in support of his words, "in the planning for the king adventure I shall never be exempted", Mike said. 

Both men drank incessantly and got intoxicated with the wine. 

The king was happy he was exercising his franchise, the interest of his people is never his priority, just his wife that is a Saint in authority but Hala never let her exercise a pitch of her authority. 

Queen Lila had the interest of Zomuda at hand, she always said, "if I am opportune to be in power I will always make Zomuda happy and a better place to live", this is her reply to her mother's question. 

But now the coin only has one side for queen Lila. There was a morning she called her maids after their Palace chores. 

"Please tell me more about the Palace, how did you people manage to survive till now, is that there is no future for you people if you take the bull by the horn?'' Lila asked the maidens

Zia the chief maidens had cautioned her subjects not to tell their affairs or wellbeing to anyone irrespective of their relationship, but she can't padlock his mouth for the queen always, because she cares for them as siblings. 

They were mute for a very long time, they were scared to tell her the king had a lot of skeletons in his cupboard, but that wasn't what the queen wanted to know. 

All the maidens' eyes were on Zia. 

Zia, it seems I don't have my say in this Palace the queen asked angrily? 

Not as you think your majesty, our lives are precious, the king's anger is unquenchable. 

Lila was short of words, as she looked at them pitifully. 

"I don't see you people as maids but sisters, whatever we discuss here died here". 

"I know how foolish the king's anger is, therefore I can't jeopardise any of your life in the name of cheap love". 

Her words convinced them how deeply she loves them, they gave all their life to her by demanding confidentiality from her. 

"The Palace has been our home right from our teenage stage. 

Zia immediately travelled back to their begging in the Palace: some time ago king Keith was taking a tour with his entourage in the kingdom. 

We never knew each other from the beginning, Keith picked us randomly from our home due to ill-treatment from our guardians, because we were orphans. 

He brought us together by engaging us with this work which he fed us, cloth and paid us. We had a nice atmosphere with him 

Until death snatches him away from us

She concluded her stories with all of them washing their faces with tears including the queen. 

The story was rich but embedded with sorrow, you see while we absorbed ill-treatment from the Palace because we are all homeless?

Where were Hala and his mother when the late king showered you, girls, with luxuries? The power of the king diluted their envy. 

"Power and authority will never intoxicate me to pick on you people, I see you as sisters, I am not better than you our difference is I have parents I can run to. 

But now I have put my hand in the plough, I can't look back again, all because my father was gullible for power and money". 

"We are all in this together, your pain my pain and your happiness my happiness, one day we shall get rid of this". Get rid of this how they chorus? Sisters the almighty is our backbone. 

They felt relief as they took a deep breath together. 

"We can't thank you enough, now we have a mother who has our interest at heart", Zia gave Lila words of appreciation, but you people must be careful Lila cautioned them as they all majestically accompanied her to her room