The queen desire

The Queen was in her cottage with her maidens, when a heavy hand bangs on her door, it must be the king, Zia said.

All the maidens were nervous, the door was pushed and a foot stepped in, Zia quickly recognised "his feet, his highness is"

They all stood to their feet for him to come in. The king doesn't knock at my door before coming in, hmmm, maybe he has something paramount to discuss with me, that is only when he acts like a human. 

Lila was still lost in contemplation when he stepped in with a clouded face, all the maidens were rolling their eyes from one end to the other as they disappeared one after the other. 

What did you have to say about the meeting with the council members yesterday? His question was too large for me to attend to, which must have prompted him to inquire from me. 

I remembered he told me, I am not in any way the council member, while then should I involve myself on what doesn't concern me? I was in myself when he asked again what did you have to say about the meeting? 

It might not be funny to me if I keep mute, I know him very well, any question from him must be answered in his favour but I like telling him the truth, which doesn't tell well of me sometimes. "I don't care what should be the outcome, we must call a spade a spade". 

Your highness, I called to him in a convulsing tune, before I could answer his question I quickly jetted back to my mother's words. "Intelligent questions must be pondered on before answering it, the mouth of the fool opens wide to say what he or she wants, but the words of the wise are directed by the almighty. 

My lord, did anything happen? I know he frowned at answering his questions with questions, before now I have made my mind to burst his bile.

Though my heart was already in my mouth, the almighty quickly baptised me with wisdom to praise him before my good question that sounded foolish to him. 

The only thing that can kill him is praises. This almost made me doubt the words of my father that the best way to kill a man is through bed and food. But my husband was the opposite of my father's opinion. 

The only thing that kills him is praise, pride and playing foolish to him, this very act gets into his head easily. To food and sex is out of the deal, he preferred spilling blood for the whole day than eating, while to the aspect of bed, hmmm… 

He is a good looking man tall with a broad chest, dark hair and very straight. He is the speck I yearned to have as a husband, but his character contaminated his stature. 

"Never get entangled with anyone because of beauty, he or she might be a wolf in sheep's clothing". 

Despite his soured acts I still admired him a lot, just waiting for the day to have him in bed, but I can't stoop so low to instigate it, if he doesn't come from him, we shall stay like this. "Don't be too prone to demand for intimacy from your man, you can only do that if he loves you dearly if not, you will be as nothing but like a filthy rag before him my mother told me before I ventured into this Palace" 

"I know he will be so good in bed but I shall cause him to feed on my body someday". 

He noticed I was lost in mind and he gently cleared his throat..…yes..your highness, attend to my question he said. 

"My lord, the meeting was superb, your decisions were smart, I like it when you act smart and friendly to your people, I know they were at fault, but in all your dealings be merciful to your children". 

I noticed in the course of your discussion, one of the smart and renowned council members was mute and dull, what's his name again? Si…..r, si.rrrr...sir Poker, I stunted with the name several times. 

Poker should thank the almighty who looked pitiful on him and who visited me immediately after his speech Hala narrated, nobody can out-smart me, not even him, the next time he tries such act, I shall send him to the land of the dead without head to meet his friend my late father. 

"The impala in the forest has held countless meetings to avoid the lion but all were fruitless". 

The cockroach is never innocent in the seating of the hens. 

Lila became mute as Hala unleashed his anger on himself. 

"I am the great lion of Zomuda, I derived pleasure in torturing my people". 

"Let me have my days in full to myself, a day is coming when I shall see my adventure". This statement swept me off my feet, so he is aware the dark days are coming for him too? 

He left my room forgetting he came to seek my opinion, my lord, I am not done with my answer, please keep that for another day. 

Is the lion still afraid of death? He forgets so soon the tiger is never afraid of the hunter but the gun In his hand. 

Two of the maidens came to my cottage in the evening to clean me up. The only people that thrill me in this Palace are the maidens, the guards also do their best but they don't have words of their own as they are prone to obey the king's order. 

They accompanied me to the bathroom and bathed me, made my hair and dressed me in a new dinner gown as they took me to the dining table to join king Hala. 

We sat opposite each other at the big table 

The table was made for ten seaters, the king, queen, children and maybe visitors. 

But we are yet to have children. 

We stared at each other for long as the maidens served us, his eyes were blueish, 

I decided to focus on my meal but his eyes were fixed on me. 

I felt timid to his signals as his soft foot quietly walked slowly on my legs, I was lost in emotions as I exclaimed within myself oh....yes!!! This is what I have been looking for. 

I have to act hard, for me not to be cheap for him, I quickly rushed my meal and left the table for him. He was overwhelmed with my actions but he admitted it was not. That is his pride, but I know I must have him this night, the queen rejoices in her room.