Petri and Feti before the king

It became cold for the people to decide on what strategy to get rid of the king. They were not bewildered, but how to take the bull by the horn was their headache to cure. 

It was vividly remembered by the people how they planned not to give the king part of their farm produced but it turns out against them which led to the brutal torture they received. Since then they have been so sceptical about their plans, for they were very convinced there was a green snake in the green grass. 

Two poor men in the kingdom were very garrulous and didn't have a key to their mouth, they spoke out anything they came across or saw. 

It has been so I think what we should think of now is sending the little Hala into extinction they said, the most eloquent man among both of them has been warned severally by his wife not to open his mouth everywhere he is. 

His popular saying is "when you talk you die, if you don't talk you die, so let's talk and die". The people so much love them for their boldness but are still afraid if their mouth wouldn't lead them into temptation. 

''I don't have much to dwell on, one of them called Petri said"let's get our plans activated forgetting they were in an open place.

They were arrested by the king the next day in a silent way. 

Mr Petri's wife discovered her husband's absence for a couple of days now and she drew the attention of the king's men. 

It wasn't news to the king's men that their mouth must have paid them the price of its frequent use. But the sudden disappearance kept everyone poke nosing on the king, but fear of favour wouldn't let them say it. 

They were all on cold feet, as no one dared to inquire from the king their whereabouts. 

"We shall embark on proper search without noise but in the Palace, this should remain with us here only, I have I made myself clear", yes sir the people responded. 

Free us, let us go to our family!! We are not indebted to you, your highness, "you must pay the price of what your mouth has purchased,'' he replied. 

"We bought nothing from you, Petri said, handle us with justice and equity, let the land be as rosy as it was during your father's reign".

Petri never forgot nobody knows their whereabouts, he is not even afraid of death, the king held them ransom because of their then relationship when they acted as the wild cat in the kingdom feeding the king with information. 

"We have been such nice friends, I never hold anything against you both, my reign is better than Keith reign, peace and progress I rule my people", the other man called Feti interjected, ``you lied your highness. 

This sounds like a slap to the king face, "your people love you so much but you love them not, you satisfy yourself by killing the just, the people you are supposed to be a mouthpiece to are now living in fear and starvation, give your people the peace you confiscated from them". 

Hala called himself to order at that moment but suddenly hardened his mind as he screamed, "one word from you shall cause your end on earth. 

If you kill me today, would you see me kill tomorrow? 

Lila was rich in sorrow for the two brave men, but she couldn't help the situation 

She left with her eyes dripping tears without the king noticing. 

Everyone in the Palace was mischievous, while the king's heart was a sugar factory, because the men refused to conceive of his idea of using them as spies against the people, he chose to satisfy his hunger by punishing them daily as it pleased him. 

These men became very weak in the prison, their whole strength was failing because they were fed sparingly. 

Their wives were anxious to know the whereabouts of their husbands, so they went to sir Poker's house early in the morning to inquire about their findings. 

Unfortunately, sir Poker and the other men are yet to seek the king's opinion about this issue, they were all aware asking questions unconsciously may result in digging their graves. 

The kingdom was in pandemonium as the people were yet to see the missing men. 

"If death should take my husband, I will be blank as a plain board, he is our breadwinner", Petri's wife lamented. 

"It is time for us to do the searching that will cause stumpage to the kingdom",  Feti's wife said. 

Both women injected their cowardness and took the bull by the horn. 

Your highness, greetings to you the mighty one of Zomuda, our husband has been out of sight for weeks now. 

All our efforts to get in touch with them bear no good fruits, they are energy exhausted and we know the solution is in your hands to help us, please. 

Hala acted like a novice in the first place, he blocked his ears to their words but acted as a white sheep before them. 

For how long is your husband missing

He asked innocently? Two weeks now both women chorus together. 

Hala consoled and asked them to go home as he ventured into the situation.

"I remain the lion you don't dare with, I am war and fire I burn whosoever temper with my heat, when they have pay for their, it shall serve as a deterrent for all Zomudians", he spoke angrily as he emitted dangerous laugh.

Bring those cowards he ordered his guys, they were brought to him. 

Since your wives had the enfronty to confront me, your punishment shall be twelve strokes of the cane daily, till the hungry crocodiles break their fast with your malnourished flesh. 

"If you kill us today will you see us kill tomorrow? We know one-day justice shall rule this kingdom the men said". 

"If it pleases you to chop our flesh then be in haste and do so,'' Feti said. 

"This is your time please utilise it to the fullest, the almighty time shall one day come, and you shall give account of all you have done,'' Petri said. 

He allowed the men to vomit all their grudges and commanded his guards to wipe them with twelve strokes and send them back to the prison. 

They shall join the dead the day I will be able to count their ribs.